Jonas Wells

Jonas Wells

Jonas Wells works in Sweden as Coordinating Manager for South Dalarnas Coordination Agency. Jonas is a social anthropologist and has a long history with SF starting in 2002, nowadays working primarily with organisational development, training and writing about presuppositions in SF work.

14:00 - 15:30
SOLworld Hall

Micro-Skills in a Macro-World: A Progress Report from the Macroanalysis Study Group

What do SF practitioners involved in large-scale change projects do that works?

The Macroanalysis Study Group has been studying this question for the last two years. We have looked at case stories together and managed to identify some distinctive features of SF organisational development processes.

In the first part of our workshop we would like to share these insights with you and get your ideas and feedback on them.

During the second part of our workshop we will hear a short presentation of an OD case. We will form reflecting teams to collect “wow-moments”, ideas and insights – both for ourselves as well as for our case-owner.

We will conclude with a harvest of new insights and possibly further questions leading to more learning in the future.

If you

  • are already working in OD and make it even more SF or
  • want to expand your skills from individuals and teams to working with whole-scale organisational or inter-organisational change this workshop should provide you with ideas, skills and inspirations.

Come prepared to share your experiences and gain new insights!

Format: Workshop/Practitioner
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
No maximum number of attendees

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