Astrid Blunschi

Astrid Blunschi

Astrid Blunschi Balmer is a senior HR professional and passionate about people and leadership. With more than 20 years of experience in small and medium size companies, expertise in leadership development and since 3 years being as well an independent consultant and coach, she is familiar with many of the challenges that leaders and teams are facing. As a coach and consultant she is supporting them to get closer to their preferred future. By building connections between people and connecting clients to themselves, she creates spaces in which development towards an individual preferred and courageous future can take place.
Astrid is a solution focused coach and OD practitioner, she is a member of the Swiss solution-focus network nla-schweiz and a certified OD professional at EODF. She is applying the solution focused approach not only in her professional but also in her private life – as a partner, daughter and mother of 2 teenagers.

14:00 - 15:30
Room of Miracles (SR 4)

«Solution Trail» - mit Lösungsfokus zu einer nachhaltigen und lebenswerten Welt.

This session is in German and English

"Solution Trails" are walks that open up a new perspective on your surroundings and on your life by using solution-focused questions to work on current issues or to strengthen resources independent of an issue. Especially for the big challenge to keep our world as a place worth living for us humans, we would like to use "Solution Trails" and develop them further with you. In this workshop

  • we will introduce the concept and the history of "Solution Trails" so far (if you are already curious, please visit the website www.solutiontrail.ch)
  • we will create together at least one prototype of a Solution Trail on the topic of sustainability, which in our best hope can be used and further spread by you and thus create positive change towards a livable and more just world for all. To do this, we will walk around inside and outside and be inspired by the surroundings.
  • you get the opportunity to help shape the idea and product and be inspired for your practice.

«Solution Trails» sind Spaziergänge, die dir einen neuen Blick auf die Umgebung, auf dich und auf dein Zusammenleben eröffnen, indem mit lösungsfokussierten Fragen aktuelle Themen bearbeitet und/oder unabhängig von einem Thema Ressourcen gestärkt werden können.

In diesem Workshop

  • werden wir das Konzept und die bisherige Geschichte der «Solution Trails» vorstellen.( Wenn du schon vorher neugierig bist, besuche doch die Webseite www.solutiontrail.ch
  • erstellen wir gemeinsam mindestens einen Prototypen eines Solution Trails zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit, welcher in der kühnsten Hoffnung durch dich genutzt und weiter verbreitet wird und so zu positiven Veränderungen in Bezug auf eine lebenswerte und gerechtere Welt für alle führen kann. Dazu bewegen wir uns drinnen und draussen und lassen uns von der Umgebung inspirieren.
  • bekommst du die Möglichkeit, die Idee und das Produkt mitzugestalten und dich für deine Praxis inspirieren zu lassen.

Willkommen sind alle interessierten Teilnehmer:innen, es braucht keine Vorkenntnisse und es ist unabhängig der Erfahrung.

Format: Presentation
Level: Introductory/Intermediate/Advanced
No maximum

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