Annie Bordeleau
"Our future is already present; if we listen with care, it will emerge with confidence”.
Annie currently develops and facilitates executive leadership development programmes which enable leaders to co-create their future organisation. The underlying assumption in the journeys is that the future is already emerging from within the current system and that smooth transitions can be made by noticing its emergence, enhancing it and sustaining it.
In collaboration with the I2A Network team, she supports larger transformational projects, coaches and facilitates learning sessions. Annie now lives on Vancouver Island with her family and loves to discover the nature that surrounds them on land and on water.
sFiO meeting
Join the premiere of the first live SFiO Fika! During the COVID crisis, SFiO ran a weekly online Fika to unite isolated Solution Focused practitioners worldwide. We designed the Fika to be a relaxed gathering where people could meet, chat, have fun and learn from each other over a drink. After the lockdown ended in most countries, we maintained the Fika as a monthly event on the third Sunday of the month at 1000 UK time. It continues still. To celebrate the first live SOLWorld post-COVID we are holding the first ever live SFiO Fika. We warmly invite you to join us and experience the Fika live. It will be interactive, enjoyable and we all might learn something!
Shaping the future in the very moment
The organisations we work with are increasingly interested in evolving their co-responsibility and adaptability, moving towards a more 'eco-centric' approach to leadership rather than an 'ego-centric' one.
When designing leadership development journeys (with SF practices interwoven into their core) one of the key questions we address is: How can we invite leaders and their teams to approach their work with more curiosity, presence, and productive sustainability rather than feel valued for their more heroic tendencies or knowing better, acting fast, and saving the day?
In this short workshop, we are thrilled to share how SF can contribute to leaders embracing the power of 'noticing' change rather than 'driving' change. We will explore how to lead from a place of inner strength and presence to shape futures in the very moment.
Format: Workshop
Level: Introductory and Intermediate/Advanced
No maximum number of attendees